Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Protection Policy Guidelines-min

Safeguarding: Vulnerable Adults Protection Policy Guidelines

The Friends Helping at Home brand (branches and those associated with the provision of services introduced to customers)  is committed to ensuring that vulnerable people who use our agency services to find independent service providers are not abused and that registration and subsequent working practices minimise the risk of such abuse.

All members or associates of the Friends Helping at Home brand have a duty to identify abuse and report it.


Vulnerable adults are people who are over 18 years of age and are getting or may need help accessing services to live in the community.

Vulnerable adults may be unable to take care of themselves and unable to protect themselves from harm or exploitation by other people.

Abuse can include:

  • physical,
  • financial,
  • material,
  • sexual,
  • psychological,
  • discriminatory,
  • emotional abuse,
  • neglect.

Abuse can take place in any setting, public or private, and can be perpetuated by anyone.

Rights & Responsibilities

Responsibilities of Friends Helping at Home as an introductory agent, any associate company or persons, or Service Providers are:

  • To ensure stakeholders are aware of vulnerable adults need for protection
  • To notify the appropriate agencies if abuse is identified or suspected
  • To support and where possible secure the safety of individuals and ensure that all referrals to services have full information in relation to identified risk and vulnerability
  • To have a undergone a valid Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Enhanced check (formerly Criminal Records Bureau  (CRB) enhanced check) everyone who will have contact or that have access to or work with Vulnerable Adults
  • To be familiar with the vulnerable adult protection policy
  • To take appropriate action
  • To declare any existing or subsequent convictions.

Support for those who report abuse

All those making a complaint or allegation or expressing concern, whether they are Members or Service Providers or customers of Friends Helping at Home should be reassured that:

  • They will be taken seriously
  • Their comments will usually be treated confidentially, but their concerns may be shared with the appropriate authorities if they or others are at significant risk

The Vulnerable Adult has the right:

  • To be made aware of this policy
  • To have alleged incidents recognised and taken seriously
  • To receive fair and respectful treatment throughout
  • To be involved in any process as appropriate
  • To receive information about the outcome

This policy applies to all third parties providing a service introduced or anyone associated with the brand.

We are also committed to reviewing our policy and good practice annually.