If you’re looking for at-home care for a visit outside of the home for yourself or a loved one, we can help.
Friends Helping At Home can ease the challenges that taking trips outside the home can present, as and when you need it.
Here to help when you need us:

How can visits outside the home help?
Additional care for visits outside of the house can help make family trips, shopping trips, or general outings for yourself or your loved one easier, while ensuring safety and promoting optimal well-being.
Your matched, registered Service Provider can craft a customised plan of care with one-to-one support tailored to your specific requirements, preferences, hobbies and lifestyle.
Our visits outside the home services:
Your matched Service Provider can offer emotional support, reduce fall risk and assist with a range of household chores and daily activities, including:
Visits outside the home
Personal care
Visits Outside the Home are available as an additional care offering alongside your customised at-home care package, or for one-off events.